. . . but things seem to be getting a little out of hand with this whole "iPod" thing. My favorite store these days is Fry's. For those of you not from around here, Fry's is a GIANT electronics store that pretty much sells anything that runs on electricity. They are mostly in California and Texas. Fry's buys more advertising in our local newspaper that most car dealerships. Every Friday they have a 8 page insert full of the latest hardware, components and . . . . accessories.
Much to my surprise in the most recent issue was this modern marvel of personal music devices - The Toilet Paper/iPod holder. That's right, when you absolutely can't separate from your iPod and your headphones won't reach your pockets (because they are around your ankles) you need the Toilet Paper / iPod holder. How would you like to be the Marketing person on this account? For only $100 you too can . . . . . . .
What song do you think they are playing in the product demos?