Although we moved Sarah in on Sunday, classes don't start for another week. What's a freshman to do? The week before classes start is called Howdy week. At A&M when you walk past someone it's customary to say "howdy" instead of "hello" or "hi". In fact those that join the Corps have to say howdy to everyone they pass on the way to and from classes. So Howdy Week is a time to meet your fellow students and get involved in things like clubs and sororities.
Sarah has chosen the sorority rout. Each day/night she takes a bus (with about 800) girls over to sorority row where they have quick meetings in each of the houses. On the first day they go to 12 houses, then 9, then 6, then 4, then 2, then they pick. of course at each step of the way they sororities have to pick you as well. If you are lucky the ones you like ask you back the next day, if not you have to go with your secondary choices or even worse you are on the outside looking in. It's brutal in a very female way.
Tonight they are down to 2. Sarah picked her top 2 houses last night (from 4 possibilities). When she goes to her bus she will find out if either of those 2 also picked her. If they did, she will meet with them (for the 5th time), if not, well, it will be a short night and tears are in the forecast. On Saturday the final decisions are made on both sides. Keep your fingers crossed for Sarah.
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