Friday, January 26, 2007

Gadget du Jour

Bless me Cingular for I have slacked, it's been 3 years since my last phone upgrade.  I know I should have kept up with the times, purchased the latest handheld communication marvel at least once a year, but I have failed you.

No longer!  This week we are the proud owners of 2 of the hottest telecommunications handsets ever to be found at the local mall kiosks.  Behold the Samsung Sync (aka A707).  These beauties will play all the coolest mp3s, snap hot pics at our neato parties, even video Stu's lampshade lambata then beam (at superduper speeds) all these priceless memories to an email address or other uber-phone near you.  I can also call my mom with it.

Why, you ask, do we have 2?  . . . to maintain balance in the force.  That and the fact that Linda and I have been accused (by our kids) of being the same person, so of course we would need the same phone.

So there you have it, no longer are we cellular Neanderthals, our ringbones shout "the sheep don't like it, lock the catbox, lock the catbox" with a hipness that is hard to describe

Saturday, January 13, 2007

On with the new year

The plastic tree has been put away, gifts have been returned, kids have been shipped back to school. We can now get down to the business of making a new year. What will be different this year? Well for one, if you are old enough to read this blog, 2007 will pass faster than 2006. As far as how good 2007 will be? that is 50% luck, 25% planning and 75% what you make it.

I hope to have something more interesting to say in upcoming posts. We are formulating spring break plans. We should also investigate the potential for a family and friends gathering.

And because all posts are better with pictures, here is a random picture from 1999.